In the 24-7, hectic modern world, it can be difficult to enjoy a few minutes of peace and calm without being the target of advertising campaigns. The noise, intrusion, and calls to spend your money are everywhere. So, the professionals at Q1 Dental offer you a small break – a short, semi-random list of ‘facts’ about toothache remedies. Just for fun.
Some of the myths that revolve around “curing” a toothache are quite amusing.
- A sometimes dangerous myth is that placing an aspirin on a sore tooth is better for toothache pain than actually swallowing the aspirin. Don’t do this! Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) can cause swelling and burning in soft tissues as well as other complications. Aspirin must be swallowed and enter the blood stream in order to achieve its pain-killing effects.
- A brilliantly silly myth is that kissing a donkey, or some other equine family member, can cure a toothache. Kissing a donkey won’t help with your toothache and it probably won’t be good for your reputation either! Donkeys do not have dental training and their hooves are very poor at the kind of delicate maneuvers needed for any kind of dental treatment.
- One of the silliest myths is from the middle ages and involves a candle made of sheep suet. “Take a candle of sheep’ suet, some eringo seed being mixed therewith, and burn it as near the tooth as possible, some cold water being held under the candle. The worms (destroying the tooth) will drop into the water, in order to escape from the heat of the candle.” Not only is this a worthless treatment, but finding a sheep suet candle and eringo seeds is more difficult than simply visiting your local Q1 Dental
At Q1 Dental our training and experience can help you with toothaches and any kind of dental treatment!
The Q1 Dental practice is conveniently located in St. Kilda Road Towers at No. 1 Queens Road in the heart of the St. Kilda Road business precinct. We are near public transport and mere minutes from the Melbourne CBD.
For Medibank Private, HCF and CBHS, claim your PAY NO GAP OFFER on a check-up and cleaning. Call us on (03) 9078 1955 or book your appointment online.